Sunday, May 4, 2008

"Goodbye for Nau"

We are greatly disappointed to learn that Nau, Inc. (Portland OR) has closed its doors after only 14 months in business. Last year, we selected Nau as one of our Sustainable and Responsible Businesses of the Week. The company integrated sustainability throughout all its operations, from clothing made of organic and/or recycled materials to tracking greenhouse gas emissions to allowing customers to select an environmental charity for a 5% donation at the time of purchase (which resulted in $223,000 in donations during its time in business).

Nau, Inc. management cited difficult economic times as the cause for failure, stating that it was extremely difficult to attract investors to their revolutionary business model during this time of economic uncertainty. Questions have been raised by others about the impact of a recession on the current green movement. However, critics blame Nau's business model.

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