Monday, January 28, 2008

The Low Carb Corporate Diet

Every year, one of the most common New Year's resolutions is to lose weight. But what about the company that resolves to be more environmentally-friendly in 2008? According to Sustainable Business Design Consulting, it's much like following a diet. If your business is interested in reducing carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions, there is The Low Carb Corporate Diet™, a step-by-step plan for success to help your company shed those unwanted (carbon dioxide) pounds! The Low Carb Corporate Diet™ follows the following steps and each step is tailored to the company.

  1. Make a commitment - Be clear in understanding your motivation for undertaking The Low Carb Corporate Diet™ (certification, public relations, compliance, etc.). There must be strong commitment in order to ensure your best chance for success. This includes top management, a support or “green team,” and your own commitment. Part of “making the commitment” is also considering the consequences of inaction or business as usual. For a business, this might entail risk assessment.

  2. Measure your starting weight - A greenhouse gas (GHG) audit or carbon footprint of your current emissions is necessary to begin a corporate low-carb diet™. Have an energy audit performed. How many pounds or tons of greenhouse gases or carbon dioxide does your company currently emit?
  3. Analyze your current behaviors and consumption patterns - Where is the company “heavy” in emissions and in need of shedding excess weight? What are the current patterns of energy usage?

  4. Establish your priorities and goals - Where should you start? How many tons or pounds does the company want to shed? Where does the company want to trim the excess? What are the priorities?

  5. Create a plan - Create a detailed reduction plan to help the company reach it's goals. Identify the necessary actions, timelines, and responsible parties.

  6. Implement the plan - Get everyone’s support; you can’t do this alone. Work with the “green team.” Assign responsibilities. This can be challenging and, at times, frustrating; don’t give up.

  7. Measure progress regularly - Most companies will opt for an annual audit to measure progress toward goals.

  8. Review and revise your plan - What’s working and what’s not? What modifications are necessary in the plan?

  9. Celebrate success - Remember to celebrate (and promote) success along the way. Every small success is an accomplishment.

  10. Mentor others - Share your knowledge and experience to help others.

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