Monday, July 20, 2009

Holy Trash Heap, Batman!

QUESTION: Where can you find millions of pounds of trash, mostly plastic?
HINT: It's the largest trash dump in the world.
ANSWER: The Pacific Ocean.

Wind and ocean current patterns have created the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. The Gyre is composed of the Western and Eastern Pacific Garbage Patches, more commonly known collectively as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The Gyre contains millions of pounds of trash, most of which is plastic. For more information, watch this CBS 2004 video report or this more recent Oprah 2009 video report.

To bring attention to this problem, one of our favorite environmental photographers, Chris Jordan, has created a piece of Eco-Art entitled Gyre. The image is not photography. It's not even paint. It's "2.4 million pieces of plastic - the estimated number of pounds of plastic that enter the world’s ocean’s every hour!" All the plastic used in the piece of art was collected from the Pacific Ocean.

Below is an image of Gyre by Chris Jordan; notice Mount Fuji in the background.

Here is a closeup of Mount Fuji. You can see this work of art is made from plastic trash gathered from the Pacific Ocean.

Do your part to help: decrease your use of plastics or RECYCLE!

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